MFR at IFC and SPTF Investor Forum

Lucia Spaggiari, Business Development Director at MFR, will participate in the IFC and SPTF Investor Forum “Responsible Finance for Digital Inclusion: Investing for Impact”, during April 3-4 in Washington DC, USA.

MFR will share through the Data Platform some emerging evidence of Affordable, Accessible and Appropriate financial inclusion comparing FSPs with purely digital models (low touch) and FSPs using physical (high touch) or hybrid physical-digital models.

Participants will have an opportunity to share investment lessons in social performance and impact management, discuss recent strategies for digital transformation, and share latest developments in impact investing tools for financial inclusion and the larger impact space, critical to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Investor Forum will also include how investors in financial inclusion and digital financial services (DFS) are assessing new risks with the growth of DFS opportunities. Discussions will include initiatives and investment experiences among co-founding and new Signatories of global Investor Guidelines for investing in Responsible Digital Financial Services.


Contact Lucia Spaggiari for more information.