Consumer Protection Assessment

MFR is the sole assessment company accredited to conduct GOGLA Consumer Protection Third Party Assessments (hereinafter Consumer Protection Assessments) of Off-grid Solar Companies. GOGLA is the global association for the off-grid solar energy industry.

Learn more in the article “Assessing consumer protection performance from a third-party perspective”, by Puck van Basten and Rebecca Rhodes (GOGLA), and Lucia Spaggiari (MFR)



The Consumer Protection Assessment is an objective and independent assessment of an Off-Grid solar company’s implementation of GOGLA’s consumer protection standards for the off-grid solar energy industry.



The Consumer Protection Assessment provides investors with a common solution to assess and mitigate Off-Grid solar companies’ Consumer Protection risks in due diligence and monitoring.

Undergoing the Consumer Protection Assessment allows Off-Grid solar companies to:

  • Achieve public recognition as a leader in commitment and implementation of consumer protection
  • Gain insights and recommendations from an external perspective to continue improving in consumer protection, in a priority-ranked action plan
  • Streamline investor due diligences, and set investors’ expectations of improvement at levels which are ambitious but realistic given the field challenges
  • Enhance confidence in the industry and manage the reputation risk through self-regulation appropriate for the off-grid solar industry and a credible external assessment scheme



Investors with Off-Grid Solar portfolios and and Off-Grid solar companies with different business models, selling Solar Home System, as well as Productive Use equipment, either through cash sales or through multiple payment contracts (PAYGo).


How it works?

The Consumer Protection Assessment provides an independent assessment based on the GOGLA Consumer Protection code, representing the minimum standards of practice customers should expect from an off-grid solar company.

The Consumer Protection Assessment report includes the level of achievement for each principle and indicator, as well as a detailed  Action Plan: with priority-ranked recommendations.



Assessed organizations

Company Country Date of the Third Party Assessment
Qotto Benin January 2024
M-KOPA Kenya March 2023
D.Light Kenya September 2022
Bboxx and Trafigura to accelerate progress on UN SDG 7 in Africa | Trafigura BBOXX Kenya February 2022
SunKing Kenya February 2022
Azuri Kenya February 2022


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