Social Rating for SME Financial Service Providers

Rating Services


The Social Rating provides an opinion on the capacity of a Financial Service Provider (FSP) to put its mission into practice and achieve sustainable goals through an independent assessment of the FSP’s sustainable performance.

Our proprietary rating methodology

  • Is fully aligned with international sustainable performance standards as defined by global initiatives such as the Social Performance Task Force and the Smart Campaign, of which MFR is an active member.
  • Features a comprehensive reporting with customized explanation of the social rating findings to ensure full understanding of the sustainable performance strength and challenges to support the final grade.
  • Provides an external validation of the implementation of the Universal Standards of Social Performance Management (Standards) as well as an indicator of the efforts required to achieve the Smart Campaign Client Protection Certification (CPP), helping FSPs to improve their sustainable performance management systems and get ready for the CPP.
  • Measure sustainable results in terms of economic development and quality of the services, i.e. analysis of data available at institutional level (Social Rating). Possibility to further deepen the analysis with dedicated survey and focus group discussions (FGDs) administrated to a representative sample of clients.
  • Can be easily combined with additional services including
        • Client outcome measurement to obtain indicators of the change in the households and businesses financed from the MIS, loan files and an ad-hoc survey of clients,
        • Development of a social roadmap based on the detailed findings of the social rating to guide FSPs in improving their sustainable performance management systems;
        • SPI4.

    The table below shows the framework of the Social Rating including areas and sub-areas of analysis. More details about the rating indicators per sub-area are provided in the Social Rating for SME FSPs Methodology.

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