

MFR offers a range of rating products in response to the different characteristics of FSPs (level of development, institutional typology) and the information needs of the market.

The inclusive finance industry (FSPs, networks, investors, regulators and donors) recognizes our consolidated capacity to evaluate the institutional and social performances and risks of FSPs, by systematically requiring our rating services.

Social & Environmental Rating for SME-focused financial institutions

What? The Social & Environmental Rating for SME’s offers an insightful evaluation of a financial institution to translate its mission into practical actions and achieve sustainable goals. This is accomplished through an independent assessment of the financial institution sustainable performance.   Why? The Social & Environmental Rating for SME’s serves as a powerful management and […]

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Social & Environmental Rating

The Social and Environmental Rating provides an expert opinion on the social performance management of a financial service provider and its capacity to put its mission into practice and achieve its social and environmental goals. The Rating is fully aligned with the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management and the Client Protection Principles.

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Institutional Rating

The institutional rating provides an opinion on the long-term sustainability of a Financial Service Provider (FSP), through an evaluation of internal processes, risk management framework and performance.

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Credit Rating

The credit rating provides an opinion on the capacity of the regulated financial service provider to manage risks and on its short-term creditworthiness, in order to meet the financial obligations. The credit rating is offered only in Ecuador – where MFR is licensed by the Superintendence of Banks (SB) and by the Superintendence of Popular and Solidarity Economy (SEPS ) – and in Bolivia – where MFR is licensed by the Supervisory Authority of the Financial System (ASFI).

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MIV Rating

The Microfinance Investment Vehicle (MIV ) rating provides an independent and expert opinion on the soundness of the MIV’s governance, structure and risk management and of the consistency and adequacy of its investment approach to meet investors’ expectations. An optional module is available for MIVs interested in an assessment of their social performance management and social results.

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Islamic Finance Rating

The Islamic Finance Rating provides an opinion on the long-term sustainability of an Islamic Financial Service Provider, through an evaluation of internal processes, risk management framework and performance, taking into account the specific nature of the Islamic Finance.

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