Credit Rating


The Credit Rating provides an opinion on the capacity of the regulated financial institution to manage risks and on its short-term creditworthiness, in order to meet its financial obligations. The Credit Rating is offered only in Ecuador – where MFR is licensed by the Superintendence of Banks (SB) and the Superintendence of Solidarity-Based Economy (SEPS)– and in Bolivia – where MFR is licensed by the Supervisory Authority of the Financial System (ASFI).



The Credit Rating is an effective management and reporting tool that is used to:

  • Meet regulatory requirements
  • Enhance institutional reputation, accountability, and transparency
  • Compare practices and performance with international standards and benchmarks
  • Strengthen institutional governance and decision-making, risk management, systems and performance



  • All financial institutions regulated by the Superintendence of Banks (SB) and by the Superintendence of Solidarity-Based Economy (SEPS) in Ecuador
  • All financial institutions in Bolivia, both regulated by the Supervisory Authority of the Financial System (ASFI) and non-regulated, with a special focus on the microfinance sector


How it works?

The Credit Rating provides a comprehensive assessment of risks and performance through a dynamic qualitative and quantitative analysis of the following areas and is updated on a quarterly basis:




What our Clients say

“Fue un gusto para la Cooperativa volver a trabajar  con MFR debido a que las expectativas fueron cumplidas plenamente. En los informes se detalla los aspectos que necesitan o requieren fortalecimiento, siendo una retroalimentación positiva para la entidad. La experiencia, conocimiento, calidad personal y profesional del equipo de MicroFinanza Rating es del mejor nivel. El proceso de calificación de riesgo fue muy útil para la Cooperativa Atuntaqui debido a que se pudo verificar los aspectos que necesitan ser fortalecidos para alcanzar los objetivos planteados.”

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